Sports Massage really is for everyone! 

You don’t need to be a sports-person to benefit from Sports Massage. It can help alleviate day to day problems such as repetitive strain injuries, lingering pain, tensions, sprains and fatigues. Different techniques such as massage, friction, trigger point, active and passive stretching are used to manipulate specific muscles according to your needs. Aiming to help increase mobility and circulation and decrease discomfort or as a maintenance treatment for prevention of injury or strain. 
In terms of sports-people Sports Massage can be used to support treatment of and recovery from acute injuries, improve flexibility and range of movement and enhance performance. 

Sports Massage is a form of deep tissue massage which applies deep pressure to the muscles, focusing on specific trouble points. When you have knotted muscles, want something a bit deeper than a traditional massage or have more specific ailments, more attentive deep tissue massage  techniques are required. I am always conscious that the massage you receive needs to be right for you, so it is very important to always speak up and let me know if you need the pressure to be adjusted, (i.e. if you need me to lighten up because it is too deep, or to apply more because it is not deep enough). Most people need more pressure in some areas and less in others. 

Sports massage relieves tension and restores muscular and skeletal balance through:
• Improving circulation of the blood
• Encouraging removal of waste 
• Sedating or stimulating nerve endings
• Aiding the prevention of injury
• Restoring mobility and range of movement

Whatever your needs, from a general all-over feel good massage, to improved flexibility, relief from sore and aching muscles, enhanced performance, alleviation of lingering pain and repetitive strain injuries, Mel Wright Massage Therapy has a treatment to suit your needs, all you need to do is give us a call to discuss your requirements, or if you know already what kind of massage you'd like to book, why not head over to our online booking portal and make your appointment in less than 60 seconds.

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